AndorraTaste AndorraTaste


Andorra Taste Popular consolidates its position as the most important gastronomic fair in the Principality


Despite the rain, the fair was well attended by the public. With more than 35,000 tastings sold, the fair has already become a benchmark in the country.

Andorra Taste, the international meeting of high mountain gastronomy, ended its third edition this Sunday with the closing of the popular fair. After professional days in which Andorran chefs exchanged experiences with chefs from other high mountain regions and even from other latitudes, such as those from the Nordic countries who were this year's special guests, Andorra Taste ended with the popular fair that aims to bring the country's cuisine closer to residents and visitors alike. 

Despite the rain that fell throughout the weekend, Andorra Taste Popular did not lack for visitors. Whether they took advantage of the rain-free moments or sheltered in the tents set up by the organisers in the Prat del Roure area (Escaldes-Engordany), Andorrans and tourists alike were able to enjoy a wide range of gastronomic offerings. In the words of Betim Budzaku, Director General of Andorra Turisme, "it was noticeable that people wanted to experience the event". This is evidenced by the more than 35,000 samples sold over the three days, including the tapas and dishes created for the occasion by the Andorran restaurateurs participating in the event, as well as the wide range of wines, cavas, beers and soft drinks on offer. 

These figures confirm the good moment for Andorran gastronomy and consolidate a fair in which not only the cuisine is the protagonist, but also a wide range of leisure activities. From Friday to Sunday, Andorra Taste Popular has also organised a series of cooking workshops for children, as well as several show cooking sessions with live cooking and wine and beer tasting. Not forgetting the live musical performances by bands during the periods when the weather gave us a break.

The success of savouring the territory

The spectacular response from the public, who were not deterred by the bad weather and even caused some restaurants to run out of stock at times, makes it difficult to pick out the most popular tapas. However, we can highlight that among the most successful tapas during the three-day gastronomic festival were (in alphabetical order of restaurant) the veal cheek cannelloni with foie gras bechamel and seasonal mushrooms, from the restaurant El Celler d'en Toni in Andorra la Vella; the beef picaña pizza with bauma cheese, macadamia and smoked oil from Nandu Jubany's Hincha (Escaldes-Engordany), and the Peking duck bikini from Kao (Soldeu).

These are closely followed by the rest of the proposals of the participants in this third edition of Andorra Taste: Beç (Escaldes-Engordany), Blu Restobar Caldea (Escaldes-Engordany), Can Manel (Andorra la Vella), Casino Unnic (Andorra la Vella), Émo (Erts), L'Isard (Andorra la Vella), Jou la Borda (Sispony), Kökosnøt (Andorra la Vella), Mínim's (Andorra la Vella), Mood Sensorial (Escaldes-Engordany), Odetti Bistro (Escaldes-Engordany), Odetti Bistro
(Escaldes-Engordany), Plató (Andorra la Vella), Sol i Neu (Soldeu) and Sottovoce (Andorra la Vella). There is also the gourmet shop Ana Cerezo Pernilea! (Andorra la Vella) and the pastry shops Sauleda (Andorra la Vella) and Youcake by Estopiñán (Escaldes-Engordany). There was also a stand with local agricultural and craft products. 

Benjamín Lana, director of Vocento Gastronomía, praised the efforts of all the participants, saying that "in this third edition of Andorra Taste, the seed we planted three years ago has come to fruition, thanks to the efforts of many people, but above all the Andorran chefs who have believed in this project".

Mountain cuisine, sustainable and committed to the region

Andorra Taste Popular has put the finishing touches to a double event, with a part open to the public and a professional part. The last two days were very well attended, with a thousand people registered - both in person and online - to follow the presentations proposed from around thirty countries. 

This year's event featured some of the biggest names in international cuisine, including the Nordic chefs Filip Gemzell, Søren Selin and Christopher Haatuft, the French chef Frédéric Molina and the Spanish chefs Elena Arzak and David Yárnoz, as well as Claus Meyer, the founder of the Nordic Cuisine movement, and the Catalan chef Carme Ruscalleda, winner of the Andorra Taste Award for 2024. All of them are also signatories of the Andorran Manifesto, a document created in the first edition with the aim of promoting mountain regions and their culinary heritage, which now brings together 155 producers and chefs united by this common goal. 

Andorra Taste thus concludes a third edition that has demonstrated the mountain cuisine's integral commitment to the territory and its desire to work sustainably.





Vocento Gastronomía y GSR Andorra Turisme

Main Sponsor

Comú d’Escaldes-Engordany


Estrella Damm Fagor


Andorra Telecom CIMS Codorniu COMA IQOS Le Noveau Chef

Official hotel

Hotel Grand Plaza